Just Say No
Sponsor: Mrs. Debra Coates
Our club welcomes fourth and fifth grade students. Our "Just Say No" Club's goal is to aim to educate students about the effects of drugs. We have activities to reinforce assertive decision making, helping others, problem solving, physical activities and helping our community.
Forms are sent home for parents/guardians’ permission for a student if they are interested in joining our club.
When the Just Say No Club starts, we will meet every 2nd Tuesday of each month after school. Pick up time is 4:45 p.m. and is the parent's/ guardian's responsibility.
Just Say No Pledge
I pledge to lead a drug free life.
I want to be healthy and happy.
I will say No to alcohol.
I will say No to tobacco.
I will say No to illegal drugs.
I will help my friends say No.
I pledge to stand up for what I know is right.