Gifted Education
Gifted services in Maryland refers to programs and services provided for students having outstanding talent, and performing or showing potential at remarkably high levels of achievement compared to their age peers. In Charles County Public schools, students are identified for gifted services in reading and mathematics in 3rd grade through 5th grade.
Students are cluster grouped with peers of similar academic need for reading instruction. The elementary reading program is differentiated to encourage deep understanding of advanced texts, self-reflection and critical thinking. Instruction includes shared inquiry discussions of rich literature, Socratic dialogue of nonfictional texts, advanced vocabulary activities, and novel study. Increasing focus on grammar, usage and writing may provide additional challenge.
Students who have been identified for gifted services in third through fifth grade math receive differentiated instruction from their classroom teachers with support from the Learning Resource Teacher. Students are grouped with peers of similar academic needs for small group instruction. Enrichment math instruction is delivered by a classroom teacher with support from the Learning Resource Teacher during a flexible math group block.
Subject acceleration and grade acceleration may be appropriate for some highly gifted learners.
If your child was identified for gifted services by another CCPS school, he or she is automatically enrolled in gifted programming at the next school. Parents who wish to nominate a student not previously screened may do so in the spring of the current school year.
Students from another school/school system who have evidence of identification for gifted services in Reading and/or Math should be placed in gifted services and the LRT should monitor progress to ensure appropriate placement. The learning resource teacher may contact the previous school for placement recommendations. The parents will be notified by the learning resource teacher.
Gifted screening for services in reading and math takes place each spring in your child’s school for students currently in grades 2, 3, 4, and 5. Students may be nominated by teachers and/or parents.
Parents are Invited to Join MCGATE!
Parents are invited to join Maryland Coalition for Gifted and Talented Education (MCGATE), which is a professional organization and an affiliate of the National Association for Gifted Children. For more information, go to